The profession of Product Management can be traced back to 1931, when a a memo was written by Neil H. And we’ll close this article of with some conclusions and recommendations. This will lead you to a comparison of the Product Owner and Product Manager roles. After this we’ll dive into some context around the role of Product Owner. Then we‘ll see how Agile changed their world. The structure of this article is as follows We will start of with a short history on Product Management, since Product Managers existed prior to Product Owners. The article you’re reading now is an extention to Chris’s original article, going more in-depth, as well as sharing some recommendations for your practice. In The Product Samurai’s article “Product Owner vs Product Manager” from August 2019, Chris shared some ideas around this topic.

In the many Agile and Digital transformations we have done, we have surely experienced this tention! This is why we decided to create some clarity around the topic “Product Owner vs Product Manager” with this blog that hopefully helps many people to create some clarity and implement both roles more effectively. You may experience this tention and confusion yourself, or see it around you. This causes tention and confusion between those Product Owners and the organization’s Product Managers. The role of Product Owner has emerged everywhere as more and more organizations are implementing Scrum. There is a lot of confusion and resistance in the industry today. Image 1: One is not simply… a Product Manager OR a Product Owner